March 20, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Bobby took Charlie and me to the Pancake Pantry for breakfast, we played together all day, and finished the day with Buttermilk-Mexican Chocolate Pound Cake. Yum! It is a really good recipe so I thought I would share it... It is really great with raspberry puree and strawberries and cream on top!

Little Drummer Boy

Charlie loves to get my wooden spoons and drum on the mixing bowls. The louder he can make it the more he enjoys it!

A day at the river with dad - 2/1/09

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Charlie's Birthday Party - January 31st, 2009

We had friends and family over to celebrate Charlie's 1st Birthday. He took a few minutes to warm up to the idea of cake, but ended up loving it... so much so that we had to change outfits after he was done!

Happy 1st Birthday Charlie! - January 28th, 2009

January 28th was Charlie's birthday! It is amazing to see how much he has grown and changed in 1 year. He is such a blessing!
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March 18, 2009

The Mouse

I woke up one morning and walked into the kitchen and saw something dart past out of the corner of my eye. We have never ever had a mouse in the house before so I didn't know what it could be. About 5 minutes later I saw it run across the floor and into the pantry. I needed to leave for work but was not leaving with a mouse in my pantry. So, I pulled everything that was on or near the floor out, and put a box against the door way and climbed in there with a broom. Five times I rushed the little guy into the box but just as I would try to flip the box right side up to trap him he would run back between my legs to the back of the pantry. Finally he squeezed between the box and the door jam and made a break for the fridge. There he stayed. I was late for work, really flustered and had a crying baby. That night Bobby set a trap in the pantry and the next morning our mouse problem was fixed. I think the temptation of peanut butter was more than he could resist.

The Roberts

Chris and Emily came for a visit after Christmas and got to meet Charlie. It was so much fun to have them here. Seattle is a long way away!