July 14, 2011


I mean seriously, I could eat those cheeks!

July 10, 2011

The Fiddler's Jamboree

Almost every year we go to the Fiddler's Jamboree over the 4th for a little blue grass music and buck dancing. It is in Smithville, TN about 20 minutes fromt Bobby's parent's lake house. Charlie loves it! He danced to almost every song and clapped along to the music. He also didn't mind the funnel cake or ice cream. Can't blame him.

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Cloth Diapering

Just an FYI to anyone considering cloth diapers... they are great! I had reservations about how time consuming it would be to launder, dry, and fold them. But, they are no big deal to clean and work really well. No more leaks than with disposable. I use Bum Genius and have loved them. So, if you are on the fence, take the plunge.
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4 Months

Ellie at 4 months... she loves bath time and is so happy after while she plays on her changing pad. What a cutie!
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Charlie and Daddy

Charlie LOVES his daddy. Bobby went to put Charlie to bed a couples weeks ago and never came back... so sweet!

Charlie likes to help dad blow of the driveway. This is a ritual, he's been ridding on dad's shoulders while working in the yard since he was a year old. He loves it!

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